Joy DeBenedictis has been with the HFM Delaware Office for over 20 years. Joy is the “Institutional” memory of HFM. Her concise knowledge of where everything is, how to find it, and how it works, makes her invaluable. The way that she works with clients makes her legendary.
Book Recommendations
Any book written by Nicholas Sparks
Best Presentation you’ve heard In Person
Doug Flutie talking about his son who has Autism.
What You Find Underrated
The need for education in helping children with Special Needs.
Favorite Quote
“People who live in glass houses should not throw stones.” – George Herbert
Most Satisfying Part of Life at HFM Investment Advisors
It feels like family. I have been here going on my 21st year.
Most People Might Not Know
That I am the senior member (oldest) employed at HFM- a Septugenarian!
Favorite Workout Routine
Top Five Movies
- Moonstruck
- Silver Linings Playbook
- My Big Fat Greek Wedding
- Splendor in the Grass
- It’s Complicated
Most Memorable Trip
My trip to Italy with my brother
Community Involvement
Support the March of Dimes and Autism Speaks by collecting money.
Ideal Weekend
Relaxing and doing crossword puzzles.
Most satisfying part of life at HFM
The friendly atmosphere and talking to clients on the phone.
Most likely to spend a spare hour
Doing crossword puzzles
Inspired by
My parents who taught me faith and values.
How do I spend my time outside of HFM
I enjoy spending time with my family.